Beginner’s Guide to Wine Tasting

While most of us love wine, some of us perhaps lack the nerve to indulge in wine tasting experience as this could be intimidating, especially if there are going to be a lot of individuals around (and people are always there anyway). On your wine tasting adventure, and especially if you are a beginner, you will most likely hear at least one thing that you haven’t heard before. For instance, it is not abnormal to hear experienced wine enthusiasts say, “this one has impressive tannin.” So, you may be left wondering what on earth is tannin! But with the right tips, your wine tasting journey can be fun and enjoyable, and no one will know that you only know very little about the subject. Here are the tips to help you on your journey.

Swallow or spit: Should you spit or swallow wine? This is perhaps the question that most people ask as far as wine tasting is concerned. Everyone wants to remain sober during the entire wine tasting experience, and that is where the concept of spitting comes in. However, most wineries now allow people to taste only small amounts of wine (only a few ounces), which takes getting drunk out of the equation. This leaves you with the freedom to decide what to do with your wine, whether to spit or swallow, that is.

Take notes: Wine tasting usually involves discovering a lot of information within a short period, and it would be absurd to imagine that you can remember all the details about various different wine types without making reference to some notes. So, carry a pen and a notebook and record every word you think is essential. Some wineries will provide you with writing material even if you haven’t asked for it.

Ask questions: Who told you that asking questions makes one look stupid? In fact, failing to find out what you don’t know is utter stupidity. Remember, you need to come out of the tasting with as much knowledge about wines as possible. Wineries typically have an expert who will walk you through the process, and these people tend to be friendly and professional. They are prepared to answer literally any question on all matters wine. So, it makes no sense to freeze up.

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